Release History for Version 1.0 - 25/April/2002
- 1.00000 (25/April/2002 07:30 GMT):
- Initial library release.
- 1.00001 (29/April/2002 16:00 GMT):
- Fix for attempt to deallocate unassociated pointer in runpre.f90.
- 1.00002 (07/May/2002 10:00 GMT):
- Fix for inefficient sort in QPP_order_row in qpp.f90.
- 1.00003 (10/May/2002 13:30 GMT):
- Makefiles for non-default use of HSL_MA57 corrected
- 1.00004 (14/May/2002 09:30 GMT):
- Fixes for too small dual variables/barrier terms in qpb.f90.
- Fix for bad "range" section assignment in QPT_write_to_sif in qpt.f90.
- Argument lists for MA27 subroutines updated in ma27s.f and ma27d.f.
- 1.00005 (15/May/2002 11:30 GMT):
- Huge equality rhs/fixed variables handled correctly by QPP_reorder in qpp.f90.
- prob%gradient_type properly initialized in runqpa.f90, runqpb.f90 and runpre.f90.
- 1.00006 (16/May/2002 13:30 GMT):
- Fix to always allow output following successful run in runqpa.f90 and runqpb.f90.
- 1.00007 (05/June/2002 12:00 GMT):
- Fix to stop large increase in store with automatic factors in qpb.f90.
- Infinite bound default increased to 10**19 in qpa.f90, qpb.f90, lsqp.f90, runqpa.f90, runqpb.f90 and runpre.f90.
- New warning diagonostic added to presolve.f90.
- Diagonal rescaled when checking for dependencies in lsqp.f90.
- Extra refinements allowed when residuals are small in lsqp.f90
- Extra preproccsing stage added to detect free constraints in presolve.f90.
- Skip fixed variables in QPT_write_to_sif in qpt.f90.
- Ouput the sizes of the presolved problem in runqpb.f90.
- 1.00008 (25/June/2002 14:00 GMT):
- Additional warning information added for all dummy HSL and MINPACK routines.
- 1.00009 (22/July/2002 10:30 GMT):
- Fix for incorrectly perturbed equality constraints in qpa.f90.
- Improve the way that active constraints are counted in runqpb.f90.
- Guard against unwanted data growth in the reduced problem in presolve.f90.
- Status vectors properly initialized in runpre.f90.
- Avoid using default gradient values in QPT_write_to_sif in qpt.f90.