Release History for Version 1.4 - 10/June/2003
- 1.40000 (10/June/2003 12:30 GMT):
- Major new module filtrane.f90 added. Filtrane finds a feasible point for a system of (nonlinear) equations and inequalities using a trust-region filter algorithm.
- Auxiliary module nlpt.f90 also added to provide a derived type and associated functionality for holding nonlinear optimization problems.
- Extra variables defined in symbols.f90.
- Documentation updated to reflect the above.
- 1.40001 (30/June/2003 11:00 GMT):
- AMPL interface to Filtrane added.
- QPA internal procedures QPA_is_are and QPA_s moved to module TOOLS and renamed TOOLS_is_are and TOOLS_s in tools.f90.
- Stop statement in use_* subroutines changed to return.
- Checking for non-existent problem name now handled solely by SIF decoder, SifDec.
- 1.40002 (23/July/2003 14:00 GMT):
- Invalid "END INTERFACE" arguments removed from tools.f90.
- 1.40003 (01/August/2003 08:30 GMT):
- zeta now correctly set if there are no inequality constraints in qpb.f90.
- RHS randomization removed on error exit from qpa.f90.
- Bug in makemaster file for filtrane fixed.
- 1.40004 (04/August/2003 17:00 GMT):
- control%multiplier_tol introduced to allow slightly infeasible dual variables and multipliers in qpa.f90.
- 1.40005 (14/August/2003 11:30 GMT):
- new_problem_structure correctly restored on exit from lsqp.f90, qpa.f90 and qpb.f90.
- Proper exit from qpa.f90 if problem is an unbounded l_1 QP.
- Very close pairs of problem bounds will be changed to equalities in lsqp.f90 and qpb.f90: control%identical_bounds_tol introduced to handle this.
- Incorrect choice of dependent constraints corrected in lsqp.f90.
- Documentation updated to reflect the above.
- 1.40006 (22/August/2003 16:30 GMT):
- The directory ./src/aux renamed ./src/auxiliary to prevent difficulties with Windows-based UNIX simulators, since aux is a reserved Windows directory! All makemaster files updated.
- 1.40007 (02/September/2003 09:00 GMT):
- Improvements to filter margin control included in filtrane.f90.
- 1.40008 (11/September/2003 09:30 GMT):
- Added Dilipan Sébastiampillai (INSA Rouen/U. Cranfield)'s PDF document, on how to install LANCELOT B under Windows, to the doc directory.
- 1.40009 (21/October/2003 18:00 GMT):
- Guard against stagnation in GLTR_leftmost_eigenvalue in gltr.f90.
- 1.40010 (10/November/2003 08:30 GMT):
- Check to remove pre-existing AUTOMAT.d file in sdgal script.
- 1.40011 (09/January/2004 12:30 GMT):
- Correct intent for INFO and IFLAG for MA27 given in hslint.f90.
- Format number corrected in frntl.f90. and filtrane.f90.
- Unwanted imported variables removed from useqpa.f90, useqpab.f90, useqpb.f90, usepre.f90 and presolve.f90
- 1.40012 (19/January/2004 10:00 GMT):
- Keyword typo when reading specfile corrected in uselanb.f90
- 1.40013 (02/February/2004 15:15 GMT):
- Unacceptable initial penalty parameters reset to defaults in useqpa.f90
- Incorrect deallocation of IW1 removed from precn.f90
- 1.40014 (06/February/2004 12:45 GMT):
- Missing interfaces to CCFSG and CCIFSG added and wrong array extent in UBANDH corrected in cuterinter.f90.
- 1.40015 (28/March/2004 10:30 GMT):
- Default initial array sizes for factorized changed in sils.f90.
- 1.40016 (08/April/2004 10:00 GMT):
- Component name added to QPT_problem_type in qpt.f90
- 1.40017 (18/May/2004 08:15 GMT):
- Depricated SNRM2 replaced by equivalent "streamlined" DNRM2 in blas.f.
- Mixed precision arguments to MIN separated in sils.f90.