Release History for Version 1.1 - 19/August/2002
- 1.10000 (19/August/2002 14:00 GMT):
- Extra subroutine SORT_reorder_by_rows added to sort.f90
- Avoid overriding defaults for objective constants, fixed further bad "range" section assignments, and correct repeated quadratic Hessian terms in QPT_write_to_sif in qpt.f90.
- Internal ordering routine replaced by SORT_reorder_by_row and full array extents provided when outputing problem in runqpa.f90 and runqpb.f90.
- Load order of GALAHAD and CUTEr packages interchanged in gal script
- Do not perturbed constraints if they are only simple bounds in qpa.f90.
- 1.10001 (20/August/2002 19:50 GMT):
- a_ne set correctly when m = 0 in presolve.f90.
- Array GRJAC changed to intent INOUT in LANCELOT_form_gradients in lancelot.f90.
- 1.10002 (03/September/2002 16:30 GMT):
- Full solution printed if print_level > 1 in lancelot.f90.
- Multipliers for violated constituents correctly set in qpa.f90.
- inform%nfacts correctly updated for Schur complement in lsqp.f90. and qpb.f90.
- 1.10003 (18/November/2002: 09:20 GMT):
- SORT_reorder_by_rows now copes with matrices with no rows in sort.f90.
- 1.10004 (22/November/2002: 10:30 GMT):
- Ensure that the perturbation when using inverse iteration in GLTR_leftmost_eigenvector is large enough in gltr.f90.
- 1.10005 (29/November/2002: 13:10 GMT):
- Extra arguments introduced to allow changing bandwidth in bndsl.f90. and precn.f90.
- Corrected sign assigment for the re-entry option in gltr.f90.
- 1.10006 (5/December/2002: 10:10 GMT):
- Bodge for possible infinite stepsize gltr.f90 (fix properly later).
- 1.10007 (17/December/2002 17:00 GMT):
- maxaie, nylio, nyuio, ncuio, nclio correctly initialized in presolve.f90.