Below is a list of links to commonly used optimization software, and other useful optimization-related sites.

solves general nonlinear programs using a primal-dual interior-point approach globalized by a filter;
solves general nonlinear programs using a primal-dual interior-point approach globalized by trust regions;
solves general nonlinear programs, preferably with sparse constraints, by linearizing the nonlinear contributions so efficient LP techniques may be applied;
solves general nonlinear programs using an infeasible primal-dual predictor-corrector approach;
solves general nonlinear programs using a sparse SQP algorithm with limited-memory quasi-Newton approximations to the Hessian;
solves general nonlinear programs using SQP approximations at each step and promotes convergence using a filter;
is a web-based server to a collection of optimization software, allowing for online submission of problems. It also contains a guide to optimization software;
Benchmarks, by Hans Mittleman,
which compare many popular solvers, along with a decision tree for optimization software;